Europe Matters To Wales event will define options in which policy and funding in Europe might be utilized alongside Welsh policy and public sponsoring to assist overcome poverty and social exclusion as the priority of an over-arching Welsh Government. It makes a positive effect on human lives.
The Welsh economy and labour market has derived a profit from billions of pounds of European Structural Funds investment. The 2014-2020 programmes for Wales show important investment capabilities to overcome poverty through competent employment. Additionally to these investments, the Minister for Finance and Government Business, Jane Hutt AM, assigned three European Funding Ambassadors to level up awareness of and use to the maximum extent possible the capabilities of the EU funding streams directly controlled by the European Commission. In response to a recommendation of the interim report of the European Funding Ambassadors, this meeting will get share of the all Wales anti-poverty strategy and the synergies between and capabilities of EU and Welsh public rasing which can assist make a positive difference to human lives.
The reason for this event is to:
- bring together key stakeholders to reach awareness of current policy and funding practice within the boundaries of Wales, placing it in the wider UK and EU context;
- ensure information about EU funding opportunities that could further maintenance Welsh action to tackle poverty and social exclusion.